Dental Education For Families

Indianapolis, IN

At Speedway Pediatric Dentistry, the educational component of dental care is a cornerstone of our approach to pediatric dentistry. The education of families is an integral part of our core values. We not only pursue continual professional education but also prioritize informing the importance of dental care, particularly in managing tooth decay and maintaining dental health. We make sure that our parents and children are educated on what we do and why we do it. Our specialized training in pediatric dentistry, in the oral health of infants, children, adolescents, and those with special needs, emphasizes the unique aspects of baby teeth and their distinct response to treatment compared to adult teeth.

We focus on educating about comprehensive dental care including the risks of cavities, establishing good habits early, and preventing dental issues, which are crucial for effective kids’ dental care. This ensures that every dental visit is not just a treatment session, but also an educational experience, empowering children and parents to maintain optimal dental health.

Pediatric Dentistry Vs. General Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry differs from general dentistry in its specialized focus on dental care for children. It addresses specific needs such as tooth decay, dental health, and dental issues unique to baby teeth, providing comprehensive dental care for kids. This field of dentistry is particularly adept at handling children with special oral care needs and ensuring a positive dental visit experience. By concentrating on kids’ pediatric dentistry, the practice ensures that young patients receive tailored dental services designed to prevent and treat dental problems effectively.

Dr. Wiley’s extensive training in pediatric dentistry includes a hospital-based residency, where he treated patients and consulted at Riley Hospital for Children, while also completing the educational requirements of a master’s education. During the two-year residency, he gained proficiency in various techniques such as nitrous oxide administration, tell-show-do, modeling, behavior modification, distraction, and other necessary skills essential for treating children’s dental issues.

His expertise extends to advanced behavior management techniques and emergency care like oral consciousness and intravenous sedation, general anesthesia/surgery for full mouth rehabilitation, and emergency care/trauma on the most medically complex children and adults with special healthcare needs in the area. This specialized training shows the importance of pediatric dentistry in managing young patients’ dental health, anxiety, behavior, and development, while working alongside their other healthcare professionals. Our goal is to teach good habits in childhood, but we rely on general dentists and other specialists to treat adult dentition and maintain oral health for the rest of our patient’s lives.

What Every Parent Should Know

Every parent wants what is best for their children, but many are unaware of just how important of a role oral healthcare plays in their child’s life. The Center for Disease Control indicates that tooth decay (caries, cavities) is the most commonly occurring infectious disease among children worldwide. Overall discomfort from toothaches and loss of tooth function make it difficult for children to focus in school, eat, speak clearly, and engage in normal daily activities. This can lead to more time missed from school and work. Brushing, flossing, and attention to diet certainly help in day to day preventive dental care against cavities, but more often than not, you will need to bring your child to our office at least twice a year for an examination.

Regular oral care routines, combined with visits to a pediatric dentist for comprehensive dental care, are vital. This continuity of care allows us to assess your child’s risk of cavities, address future concerns, and perform preventative measures to remove harmful plaque and bacteria that lead to decay, gingivitis, and infection. This will help in managing and preventing dental issues in children, including those with special needs, ensuring a healthy smile through preventative care.

Resources To Use At Home

In addition to regular exams and cleanings, it is important for you and/or older siblings to model and teach children good oral hygiene at home. We work with children all day and know how challenging it can be to get them excited about brushing and flossing their teeth. Most would rather run around outside or play video games; activities that they deem as fun. We get it! At Speedway Pediatric Dentistry in Indianapolis, IN, we consider it our responsibility to help change their opinion about oral health and show them that it can be fun and interesting.

We hope that we can make it something that they want to do, instead of something they are forced to do. We provide an environment full of excitement, distractions, and challenges that will stimulate your child’s mind and help them find the desire to take care of their own teeth! We also offer tips and techniques to families to make oral hygiene enjoyable, ensuring a commitment to healthy teeth and preventive dental care. Never be afraid to ask for helpful hints or techniques to make oral hygiene and diet fun for the entire family!

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